Saturday, March 15, 2008

Myspace girl: Sarah

This girl is FLAMING hot. She knows exactly what she wants: making money! She doesn't care how, aslong as she is making money. She has told me that she thinks about sex every 10 seconds, just like a real guy. I do believe her, since she is CRAZY! I love her tho.

Meet Sarah! Do you wanna meet her?

Myspace girl: Kristin

When I first saw this Myspace girl I was shocked. She was 24 years old and extremely hot. Now she is 26 years old and still extremely hot! She's really a next-door-girl. She even calls herself the 'The Girl Next Door'. Her looks got her hunderd thousands of friends, and I can tell why.

Myspace girl: Leila

I've know Leila for a few years now. She is as wild as she looks on the picture. She've told me in a private chat that she actually is addicted to sex. She is a natural beauty, she doesn't need much make-up like the last 2 barbies (which were still hot, tho). What u think?

Myspace girl: Jenna

So, this Jenna girl I found on Myspace has lots of friends. She has 140,000 to be exact. She is very hot, so I know WHY she has so many friends.
Even tho most of her pretty face is make-up, I would still do her if I was a guy.
What do you think?

Myspace girl: Shanda

I'v found Shanda while I was looking at Myspace. Even tho she looks like a barbie, and she is more makeup than real, she's still hot in our opinion. She's a bit slutty tho, some of her pictures are even sluttier then mine. Find out yourself.
You agree or not?